The command to give a user sudo privileges is “sudo visudo”. You can also use the command “sudo adduser” to create a new user.

You can use the command “sudo” to give a user sudo permissions. You can also use “su” to switch to a different user account and then type in the password for that account.

To grant root privileges to a user in Linux, use the sudo command. For example, if you wanted to grant root privileges to the user “joe” for the duration of the current terminal session, you would type sudo su – joe.

To add a user and grant root privileges in Ubuntu, you have to first log in as the root user. To do this, type “Sudo su” (without quotes) and enter your password. Then, type “add user ” (without quotes) and enter your desired username without quotes. Next, type “password -a sudo” (without quotes). Finally, type “exit” (without quotes) to exit out of the root user account.

You can fix the permission denied error in Ubuntu by using the following steps:1) Open a terminal window2) Type “sudo usermod -a -G sudo username”3) Enter your password when prompted. This will add your account to the sudo group so you can run commands with elevated privileges.

The first step is to open a terminal and type sudo su . Then type your password. Now you will be able to use the command “sudo” without needing to preface it with “sudo”.

You can use the command ‘ls -l’ to list all files and folders. You can also use the command ‘ls -old to list all files and folders with their permissions.

The first thing to do is to determine what type of error you are seeing. The following are the most common errors:“Permission denied, please try again” – This means that the user does not have permission to access the file or folder.“Permission denied (public key)” – This means that the user does not have permission to access the file or folder because they tried to use a public key instead of a private key.

To add a user to do, you need to edit the “sudoers” file. You can do this by typing “visudo” in a terminal.

One of the most common ways to give users root privileges is to use Sudo. Sudo is a program that allows users to run commands with the permissions of the root user. To use it, simply type “Sudo” followed by your command and enter your password when prompted.Another way to give users root privileges is to configure the sudoers file. The sudoers file contains information about who can use sudo and how they can use it.