Marvel Studios sent shockwaves through the film industry when they released The Avengers, inciting seemingly every other studio to establish their own lucrative shared universe. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always offered the most focused results, bringing forth films like The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Batman v Superman, which arguably could have functioned better without the burden of mandatory world-building (toward Sinister Six and Justice League respectively). 20th Century Fox is struggling in their own corner with an abysmal response to their reboot of Fantastic Four and ebbing popularity of their X-Men franchise. Fortunately, Deadpool is offering them a new chance to re-imagine the X-folk with a whole new team of edgy mutants in X-Force.

Deadpool 2 is set to include Cable and Domino, two occasional teammates of the Merc with a Mouth in this black-ops-focused alt-X-team. It’s rumored that Deadpool 3 will tie directly into the X-Force mythos, either as an establishing precursor or a sister project to the team film. Naturally, this has led to some concerns that Fox will mishandle Deadpool’s solo-chapters in an attempt to launch their all-new franchise.

Collider recently spoke to Deadpool 2’s writers, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, about their approach to establishing a larger world surounding the Deadpool brand. Said Reese:

Wernick added:

“There is a responsibility we have to the X-Force universe, and I do think we will not disappoint the fans going into Deadpool 2… Its purpose is not to set up X-Force. It will likely set up X-Force, but the drive of the movie won’t be our eyes on Movie 3.”

This news will likely ease some fans minds, especially in conjunction with the assurance that they plan to build a faithful, though streamlined approach to Cable’s backstory. The duo seems to understand the pitfalls associated with building a complex sandbox for their heroes to play in, and are keen to learn from the mistakes of others. Good news for fans of Deadpool, and hopefully for the future of the X-Force brand.

“We never want to let the tail wag the dog. We want to tell the best Deadpool story we can. But I do think we have a responsibility to think about a larger universe in the way that Marvel does and start to put pieces in place. Some of these movies feel overstuffed and almost choking with the need to set up eighteen different things that pay off down the road, and we want to avoid that responsibility to the extent that it hurts us. We want to hint at things, we want to plan some characters, and we want to make some nods, but we’re very, very cognizant about making sure that Deadpool is above all a Deadpool movie.”

Source: Collider

  • Deadpool 2 Release Date: 2018-05-18