Given the number of new products that are ever hitting store shelves guaranteeing exhaustive ways of caring for your home, it can be hard to differentiate those that are helpful from those to be avoided. Detergent Pols, Paper Towels, and Lint Rollers are some of what you should avoid. 

What Household Items Are You Wasting Money On?

Everyone spends their money on something, be it food, clothes, fees, or whatever you need to have. However, when it comes to household products, I can bet you that some of the things we buy are a total waste of money. Below are six of the household products you are wasting money on.

Lint Rollers

Lint rollers seem an essential item for people with pets or anyone who sheds their hair often. However, lint rollers are not as important as you may think. Although the rollers do not take too much of your house space, they are generally wasteful products to purchase.

For starters, the tape that helps pull hair or lint off your clothes usually gets used up very fast, and similar to disposable wipes, they eventually end up in a landfill. Additionally, you will incur refill costs which will add up with time.

The exact purpose attained by a lint roller can be achieved using rubber gloves or a micro bristle brush (for more delicate fabrics). These products are a better alternative because they are reusable.

Cleaning And Dusting Wipes

During the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, pre-moistened disinfecting wipes became very prominent, and their sales increased. This was mainly because brands insisted that these products could neutralize the Covid-19 virus. Although such claims might have been accurate for brands such as Clorox, studies have found disinfecting wipes responsible for spreading viruses.

You can get an extraordinary results using a cloth and disinfectant. You can take a like approach with any disposable dusting rags, e.g., Swiffer’s broad line of products. Like disinfecting wipes, you can avoid unwanted dust using any type of cloth rag, mop, or vacuum available.

Detergent Pods

This refined laundry detergent has already received a descent of negative press because of safety concerns from people using them. Laundry pods, as well, are not doing your wardrobe any good. For starters, laundry pods are more costly than ordinary laundry detergents. Early studies have found that the laundry pods do not even clean your clothes well. Some pods even leave new stains on your clothes.

Although more recent research has improved some cruel judgments, they don’t change the escalated cost. They also don’t change any ordinary detergent and can similarly clean your clothes.

Electronic Screen Cleaners

Since tablets and smartphones have become a growingly crucial part of our everyday life, so are the products that come with them. Such comprise products are marketed as “special” cleaners for your electronic screens. The price of these products is often exaggerated and, obviously, unneeded.

You can achieve the same result using a microfiber cloth and some water on your tablets, big-screen TVs, and phones. Although some people trust that mixing some water with a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol will get the work done, the rubbing alcohol can destroy the oleophobic (I.e., oil-repelling) coating common in most electronic devices.

Paper Towels

A paper towel is one of the most common household products that are unnecessary to keep on. Paper towels can make your grocery go up a bit. For starters, paper towels are made from paper that has already been recycled. Second, when a paper towel is used to clean a mess, the mess is usually unrecyclable already. Lastly, purchasing a roll of paper towels after another will add up to your shopping with time.

Similar to all the above products, there is always a better alternative. Similar results can be achieved using an ordinary kitchen rag or a microfiber cloth. These rags or cloths can be reused, saving you a lot of money. 

Oven Cleaners

If a product manufacturer disapproves of using something, then it would be wise to find out why. The same applies to oven cleaners. Most major appliance companies condemn the use of oven cleaners because they can damage your appliance. Again, the fumes emanating from these cleaners are shouldn’t be breathed in.

You can instead try to mix baking soda and water paste. Spread this paste inside your oven, and then let it sit overnight. Your oven will be clean the next need. You won’t have to struggle to clean it, and most importantly, you won’t have to spend a lot of money on something that can destroy your appliance and harm your health.


Now we have learnt “Household Staples That Are A Waste Of Money”, Generally, when purchasing household products, try and see whether there are better and more affordable alternatives. With the economic times, it would be wise to save every penny you can. Additionally, know that some of these products are harmful to you and your appliances, so avoid them.