Srinagar police had gotten an objection from an administration official that he had been tricked of Rs 8 lakh through blackmail.

The authority said he was being coerced by the posse who had taken steps to send a video clasp to his family in which he had been shot in a more bizarre’s room.

The public authority official griped that he had gotten a call from a lady asking some help.

She had mentioned the authority to go to her home to resolve a family question.

At the point when the authority went there, he was taken to the room. Two men then, at that point, entered the room where the lady was at that point present.

They began keep the man’s video in presence of the lady.

One of the two men, who later ended up being the lady’s better half, blamed the authority for taking part in an extramarital entanglements with spouse.

Srinagar police began an investigation into the authority’s objection and observed that the grievance was valid.

Three people, Ajay Ganai, his better half Shaista and their companion Jehangir Dar were running the racket, and had coerced many individuals from whom they had gathered Rs 40 lakh as blackmail cash.

The three denounced people have been captured.