You can easily order any generator from them, but can you return it? Let’s look into their return policy to have a better idea of this! 

Can we return a Honda generator? 

Buying a generator from Honda is pretty easy. But if, due to some circumstances, one wants to return the item to them, can they do it? 

Fortunately, the answer to this is yes! However, there are some conditions to it! Let’s look into them! 

What is the return policy of Honda generators? 

Honda generators have a refund and return policy. Based on the conditions provided in this policy, you can expect a return or refund on your item. Let’s look into this in detail.

All returns should be in original packaging

One of the most important points in their return policy is that in case of any return, the item should be placed and sent back in its original packaging. Hence, make sure you have the original packaging otherwise, your return might not be considered.

Some parts and items do not have returns

One thing that one must note while buying any item from Honda is that not all of their items are returnable. They do not provide returns on Electrical Parts, Decals, Marks, and Emblems. 

Return authorization is a must-have

Return authorization is mandatory for all of their return products. Hence, it is necessary to have one, if you want to return your product.

Restock fee

When you are returning a product to Honda, you can expect a restock fee of about 25% as all of their returned products are subject to a 25% restocking fee.

Shipping cost

If your return items have to be in an oversized box, it may cost a bit more. In case, if there is any change in the shipment cost, you will be informed beforehand! 

The above-mentioned points are some of the basic terms of their return policy that one must remember before buying any item from Honda! 

Can you cancel a product at Honda generators?

One can always purchase a product from Honda generators. However, it is advisable to think carefully before doing so. 

Any order that a customer purchases, at times, has to be bought from its distributors or manufacturers, hence, if you are not able to cancel your order in the early stages, you may not be able to stop it! 

Once the distributor or manufacturer ships the product, cancellation of the order becomes next to impossible. Hence, to avoid such issues, it is advisable if one chooses their product wisely! 

Can you exchange a purchased Honda Generator?

Yes, you can exchange a purchased Honda Generator. However, make sure you have proper packaging and tags attached to it.

You shouldn’t remove tags or packaging unless you are sure of the product. In case, you are not able to follow the instructions, your product might get refused by them or you may have to pay additional charges. 

Can one return the product if they get a defective piece? 

All defective pieces of the merchandise are subjected to their manufacturer, hence, you can only return a product with the manufacturer’s approval. 

However, shipping charges on defective pieces are not refundable so you cannot expect a full refund. 

What kind of returned items are approved by Honda generators?

Several instructions are to be kept in mind while returning a product and getting it approved by the seller. One of the most important things that the seller sees, to approve an item, is their RMA. If there is no approval in the form of the RMA number in your item then your returned product might not be accepted.

Apart from that, even things like original packaging, attached tags, instructions, etc. are checked before accepting a return. 

Any order has to be exchanged or returned within 10 business days and by any chance, if the item does not follow the general guidelines, it will be returned to the customer with no credits or refund. 

What if an item is not in stock when you want it? 

In any case, if an item is not in stock, they can still keep a backorder for you. Hence, once the item is manufactured and in stock, you can receive it. 

You will get an email notification regarding your backorder in 4-5 days. However, if by chance you do not want to order anymore, you will have to cancel it immediately.


Want to get a generator? Why don’t you try Honda ones? They are an ideal power source for homes and businesses. However, be sure before getting a product from there as the returns or exchange can be quite problematic. You may even not get your full amount refunded!