Showtime’s hit political thriller, Homeland, is set to return for a sixth season this January. The series, which has received nearly universal acclaim, tends to mirror current world tensions - namely terrorism, and the response of the intelligence community. Homeland stars Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison, a former CIA intelligence officer who now works in the private sector and struggles with bipolar disorder. For her part, Danes has received numerous accolades, including multiple Golden Globes and Emmy Awards. The series also stars Mandy Patinkin as Saul Berenson, Carrie’s mentor, and previously starred Damien Lewis as Nicholas Brody.

While prior seasons of the hit series took place in the United States, Homeland largely moved the action to the Middle East in season 4, though last season took place two years later in Europe. The upcoming season will see Carrie return to the states, where she will take up residence in New York. Further, season 6 will explore the implications of a recent presidential election, as the episodes will take place between election day in November, and the Inauguration.

Now, in anticipation for its January premiere, Showtime has released a new teaser trailer for the upcoming season. The trailer (which can be seen above) does not reveal much that we do not already know, but does seem to highlight that tensions will run high between many of the main characters. Carrie has largely been at odds with Dar Adal (played by F. Murray Abraham) for the last few seasons, and that dynamic does not appear to be changing. Further, from the looks of things, Carrie’s relationship with Saul, which has been rocky, may still need some mending.

The trailer does give us our first look at Elizabeth Marvel as Elizabeth Keane, the recent President-elect. Fans may remember Marvel from House of Cards, where she played Presidential hopeful, Heather Dunbar. While Marvel’s character was unable to pry the White House away from Kevin Spacey’s Frank Underwood in that series, this time around she will get the votes.

Noticeably absent from the trailer is Rupert Friend, who stars as Peter Quinn. Friend joined the series as Quinn in season 2, and has since been a major ally to Carrie. As of the season 5 finale, Quinn’s life was hanging in the balance after being exposed to a deadly virus. It was reported that Quinn will survive, but will be left disabled. How Quinn reacts to his potential limitations will likely be one of the more compelling developments this season. We will see how things play out for sure in just a few short months.

Homeland season 6 premieres Sunday, January 15, 2017 on Showtime.

Source: Showtime