Over the summer, my school did a significant remodeling project, and as a result of it, I moved into a brand new office. One of the ways I decided to make it my own was to begin adding HomeKit products. Of course, I started with a HomePod as my HomeKit hub, and the very first product I added next was the VOCOlinc light strips.

HomeKit Weekly is a series focused on smart home accessories, automation tips and tricks, and everything to do with Apple’s smart home framework.

VOCOlinc is one of my favorite HomeKit vendors. In the past, I’ve reviewed their air filter, window sensors, and outlet adaptors. They make reliable products that are very reliable additions to a HomeKit setup. With the VOCOlinc strip, I completely changed the vibe of my office. The starter kit comes with the perfect length for my desk, so I could stick it along the backside and plug it into the floor. Pairing it to the Home app is as easy as you’d expect for a HomeKit native product. All you need to do is scan the code, and then it’s added. Using the VOCOlinc app, I was able to apply the latest firmware update, but outside of that, everything is done in the Home app.

Anyone who has a full-time job knows that the workday can sometimes drag on, and mixing up my lighting during the day has been a fun way to change things up. In my new office setup, I have a HomePod that I use with Apple Music. I’ve been listening to the new Apple Music Country Live almost daily since it was announced. I have a HomeKit automation set up to start playing at 8 a.m. and stop playing at 5 p.m. each day. I initially forgot to change it to only work Monday through Friday, so the cleaning company had a nice treat as they came through.

I also set up a second automation where the VOCOlinc comes on when I arrive to work with a second lamp connected to a VOCOlic outlet adaptor. It’s set to turn off when I leave. Often, I’ll have offsite meetings with vendors over coffee, etc., so I’ve told the folks in our office that looking in my office if they’re looking for me. If the lights are on, I am on campus, but I am off-campus if the lights are off.

The VOCOlinc light strip can be extended up to thirteen feet, or it can be cut down to fit whatever size you need to cover. Since I have the HomePod in my office, I operate it 100% of the time from Siri and have been very impressed with how quickly it changes colors. We’ve joked at work that I should put up a color chart outside my offsite to determine my mood (red = don’t bother me, blue = good mood). That would be an exciting addition to Apple Watch and HomeKit in the future.

Wrap up on VOCOlinc light strip

Overall, the VOCOlinc light strip has been a fun addition to my office that’s extremely low cost. It can be installed using the built-in adhesive in just a few minutes, and then HomeKit takes over from there. Instead of relying on overhead lights to light up my office, I’ve enjoyed having some ‘mood’ lighting instead.