In 2017, Hulu brought Marvel’s beloved comic book series Runaways to their streaming platform in live action. A group of teenagers discovered their parents were essentially the kind of villains they had nightmares about, and their lives changed forever.

Running away from home, and embracing their own special powers and abilities, the group learned how to survive, made some new allies, and took on powerful enemies. With the most recent third season, the series came to an end, but discussions about the characters will go on for a long time after the season three finale set up a potential future. One discussion that doesn’t rely on the audience knowing the future is just where these powerful teens would have fit in at Hogwarts.

Karolina Dean: Hufflepuff

As a teenager who is part being of light, Karolina’s got some pretty cool powers. She bravely uses them on occasion, but she’d much rather have everything be peaceful than confrontational. Her tendency to try to be a peacemaker is what sorts her into Hufflepuff.

In addition to her peacemaking attitude, Karolina is also one of the first members of the group willing to give someone else a chance. Despite knowing the danger Jonah poses, she connected with him and had him teach her about her powers. She also welcomed Xavin to the group while gently reminding her that she would choose her own destiny.

Nico Minoru: Gryffindor

Nico is the only member of the Runaways to have actual magic at her disposal. A lot of fans tend to see that magic, and the darkness that accompanies her Staff Of One, and want to sort her into Slytherin. She’s actually a better fit for Gryffindor.

Though Nico tries to hide her emotions from people around her at the start of the series, she definitely allows her emotions to lead her - especially into battle. Nico is a “hit first, think later” kind of fighter. She would rather blindly rush into a situation than take the time to plan. Nico is also very rigid in her thinking. Like a lot of Gryffindors, once she’s decided something, she doesn’t want to compromise.

Topher: Slytherin

Topher was only with the group for a brief time, but based on how he treated them - and Molly especially - he would likely be a Slytherin.

In season two, Molly though she found someone she could connect with when she realized Topher’s eyes turned yellow just like hers. He led her to believe he was family, but in reality, he was an addict who used the same rocks that gave Molly her powers to get high. Topher lied to everyone to ingratiate himself into the group, hoping to get a larger supply, using them for his own selfish reasons.

Xavin: Hufflepuff

When the Runaways discovered that Karolina’s extended alien family had been stuck in a ship below the Earth’s surface for (potentially) thousands of years, they also discovered the family wasn’t alone. A shapeshifter named Xavin was their military escort, though she was essentially their slave while confined to the ship.

Xavin broke away from the royal family because of a prophecy that she would help save her people thanks to her love for a princess. Because Xavin thought that meant Karolina, she made a vow to protect Karolina and her friends, becoming one of them even when she didn’t always agree with or understand them. Xavin sometimes had extreme methods, but her loyalty knew no bounds, so she was definitely a Hufflepuff.

Tandy Bowen: Gryffindor

The third season of Runaways featured a pair of temporary fellow runaways joining up with the team. The titular Cloak And Dagger characters appeared in two episodes of the season to help the teenagers get back and forth to another dimension. 

Upon Tandy Bowen first interacting with Nico, the two immediately clashed, both believing the other was responsible for whatever darkness was going on. It seems right that two of the most stubborn and emotional characters would be sorted into the same Hogwarts house. Tandy would definitely find herself in Gryffindor.

Tyrone Johnson: Hufflepuff

Tyrone and Tandy’s relationship is a lot like Karolina and Nico’s, so it’s also fitting that, like Karolina, Tyrone would be a Hufflepuff.

Much like Karolina, Tyrone wants things to be fair, and he wants to see peaceful resolutions to problems. He only uses his powers when he has to, and always does his best to de-escalate a situation. It is, after all, Tyrone who gets Tandy and Nico to put away their respective weapons and actually have a conversation.

Chase Stein: Gryffindor

Chase is incredibly smart. He takes after both of his parents when it comes to science and technology, understanding how to work around computer programs, creating the fisitgons, and ultimately, cracking time travel. Yes, this young man manages to unravel the mysteries of time travel just like Avengers Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, or Agents of SHIELD scientists Jemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz. Just because he’s smart, however, doesn’t make Chase a Ravenclaw.

Instead, as fans see from his deepest desires in the Algorithm, Chase wants to be a hero. He wants to be the guy who saves the day, no matter what he has to go through to do it. Fans especially see that Gryffindor determination in the finale.

Gert Yorkes: Ravenclaw

Though both Chase and Alex might have a leg up on Gert when it comes to technology, there isn’t anyone in the series who puts more of herself into learning than she does. She’s definitely a Ravenclaw.

Aside from her psychic connection with a dinosaur, Gert is also one of the most observant of the group - and usually, the one most likely to pick up that something is wrong. She’s also the most well read, identifying misinformation fed to Chase, Molly, and everyone else when they quote it. Gert is also the most comfortable in her own skin, never compromising who she is.

Molly Hernandez: Hufflepuff

Molly is the ultimate team player. She’s supportive, trusting, loyal, and just wants everyone to be one happy family. 

Molly is like a ball of sunshine, but that’s mostly because she’s been forced to be. She’s learned to make the best of some of the worst situations. Gert became her family after her parents were taken from her. The Runaways then became her family when they discovered their parents weren’t who they thought they were. Molly always managed to find a silver lining, like having her birthday party in an abandoned mansion, or using scary abilities to help people in need.

Alex Wilder: Slytherin

Labeling Alex Wilder as a Slytherin doesn’t automatically make him a villain. Alex is a survivor and a pragmatist. He’s willing to do whatever he has to do to make sure he lives to see another day, even if that’s eliminating a nightmare dimension version of his mother or turning against his friends.

Now, Alex’s need to survive does get twisted over the course of the series. His deepest hopes, courtesy of Tandy Bowen, show him wielding all of his friends’ powers. Alex wants to be the best, and though he accuses others of wanting to be in control, that’s what he wants most as well. That’s not a bad thing, but over the course of what happens to him, it has the ability to shape him negatively.