His Dark Materials has become one of HBO’s most hyped new series of the year, and the first few episodes have done a decent job of showing us why that is. With its expansive magical setting, compelling characters, and high-stakes plot, it’s easy to see why people loved Philip Pullman’s book series of the same name – and why they’re so excited about the adaptation.

That said, there are viewers the show won’t appeal to. Those looking for “the next Game of Thrones” or a fast-paced story full of action sequences may want to give this series a pass and try their hand at another SFF adaptation. Here are 5 reasons to watch HBO’s His Dark Materials (& 5 reasons to give it a pass).

Start Watching: It Offers A Vast Magical World

There are so many fantasy series coming out over the next few years, and one can assume that’s because viewers enjoy immersing themselves in fantastical settings full of things we’d never see in our own world. And His Dark Materials delivers on that front, offering a backdrop full of extraordinary elements and magical creatures, along with its own political and religious landscape to boot.

Only halfway through the first season, viewers have already gotten a glimpse of how big the show’s world really is. And with all the traveling between dimensions, one can assume it’s only going to get bigger as the series continues.

Pass: It’s Not “The Next Game Of Thrones”

Now that Game of Thrones has come to an end, every new fantasy series is being marketed as “the next Game of Thrones.”  That includes His Dark Materials — and if you’re going into the series expecting to see major similarities between the two stories, you may find yourself disappointed.

While His Dark Materials has the world-building down, it’s different from Game of Thrones in many aspects. For one, it feels less mature in its current season, though that could certainly change as the plot progresses. Either way, the new series is an entity of its own and should be treated as such. It’s probably safe to say nothing will replace Game of Thrones, but we can enjoy new stories without comparing them to its legacy.

Start Watching: It’s Got Compelling Characters

Those who enjoy a character-driven narrative will probably find themselves invested in the lives of Lyra and her companions — and possibly even the villains they’re up against. His Dark Materials has introduced a large cast during its first few episodes, and it’s clear that each character is more layered and complex than first meets the eye.

Not only do the characters we’re rooting for seem to have darker sides to them, but the villains are far from being one-note — and we don’t even know their true motivations yet. If you’re interested in analyzing characters, His Dark Materials will offer plenty of opportunities to do so.

Pass: It’s Slowly Paced

While His Dark Materials has world-building and characters that will keep viewers engaged, its first season has gotten off to a slow start. That’s not necessarily a bad thing — setup does take time — but it could be a deal-breaker for viewers who don’t favor this brand of storytelling.

Stories that throw you straight into the action have their own benefits, but it doesn’t look like His Dark Materials has any interest in doing that. It wants to build up to the major beats of the plot, and sometimes, that means taking more time to focus on dialogue and world-building.

Start Watching: The Daemons Are Adorable

Anyone who appreciates cute animals will take a liking to His Dark Materials’ daemons, animals who are essentially physical representations of their human partners’ souls. The concept on its own is fascinating, and the daemons themselves are too adorable not to love.

From foxes, to ferrets, to cats, we can’t help but get excited every time a daemon is onscreen. (Heck, we even like the evil monkey when he’s not attacking our favorite characters.) If you’re the type to let out a squee whenever you’re introduced to a cute new magical creature, this series will definitely be up your alley.

Pass: The Twists Are Predictable

The few “big reveals” that have happened already on His Dark Materials haven’t really been all that huge. In fact, one could argue that viewers can see the twists coming from miles away — and that’s without even reading the books.

Unfortunately, most of the plot points that would be considered twists have been relatively tame – and very well hinted at – since the series began. It’s still early, though. Perhaps the show will deliver some bigger surprises during the second half of season 1.

Start Watching: The Talent Is Impressive

From the writing to the acting, His Dark Materials seems to have landed some impressive talent to work on its first season – though, given that it’s on HBO, that’s hardly surprising. Still, if you’re looking for a well-written series that’s acted out stunningly, this one is worth a shot.

Whatever your complaints about this show, it has very few moments that feel awkward or clunky. The script was clearly penned by a skilled writer (Jack Thorne obviously has enough experience under his belt), and everyone from Dafne Keene to Lin-Manuel Miranda has done a wonderful job of bringing their characters to life in a believable way.

Pass: It Can Be Difficult To Follow At Times

While large-scale world building and a wide cast of characters are often viewed as good things by fantasy fans, they can become a bit convoluted – especially to viewers who aren’t used to such expansive stories.

Even for those who are accustomed to following numerous storylines at once, there are a few moments during the first few episodes of His Dark Materials that may require a rewind or two. With so much going on, small details can be easy to miss.

Start Watching: It’s A Better Adaptation Than The Golden Compass

This isn’t the first time Pullman’s series has been adapted for the screen, and the film adaptation of The Golden Compass was not met positively by fans. Not only did it poorly bring Pullman’s world to life, but it gave fans an ending that was totally off from the source material.

When it comes to adapting the novels, His Dark Materials appears to be doing a far better job of staying true to the author’s narrative – even if it has jumped ahead and taken a few liberties here and there.

Pass: There Are Better SFF Series Out There

If you’re a hardcore science-fiction and fantasy fan, there are probably series you’d find more exciting than His Dark Materials – at least comparing them to where the show is currently. HBO’s new show is still finding its footing, and some viewers don’t want to wait around for a story to deliver on its potential (though the potential is certainly there).

Those looking for a more developed SFF story might want to check out Game of Thrones, The Expanse, Outlander or something similar instead.