Star Wars Rebels producer Dave Filoni teases a hidden villain in the final season of the animated series. Season 4, which continues to follow young Force user Ezra Bridger and the Ghost crew of rebels set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, premiered last Monday with Parts 1 and 2 of the ‘Heroes of Mandalore’ setting up the final battle against the rebels and Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Even though Thrawn played a huge role as the central villain last season and will, yet again, face off against the rebels in the final season – there have been other villains throughout the seasons, including multiple Inquisitors, Imperial Commanders, past Clone Wars villains like Darth Maul and even the dark lord himself, Darth Vader that have gone up against the rebels and their fight to stop the Imperials from taking over the galaxy.

In a new interview with Daily News, executive producer of Star Wars Rebels, Dave Filoni, has confirmed that Thrawn is going to serve as the main villain for season 4, but he also added that there may be another villain hiding somewhere in the galaxy far, far away that the rebels are going to come face to face with. Here is what he said about Thrawn and what he teased about the mysterious other villains:

One obvious villain that may make an appearance during the final season is Darth Vader, who played a major role in season 2, facing off against former apprentice Ahsoka Tano during the finale. Considering Filoni left Ashoka’s fate up in the air, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Vader make an appearance again if he plans on revealing Ahsoka’s fate before the series ends. Considering Filoni also states that these villains also have “more arch” than Thrawn, it makes sense that he’s talking about Vader because the dark lord has a major presence and is one of the most powerful characters spanning throughout the franchise.

“He’s still the one that is watching for them and that they’re running from and their main competitor,” he tells the Daily News. “Which is different, we’ve never done that over two seasons before.

There may some other villains more arch than him, hiding somewhere … we’ll have to wait and see.”

We already know that the Emperor won’t be making any appearances in Rebels, but there’s also a chance that iconic and villainous characters from Rogue One and A New Hope may appear. This is interesting considering the timelines from Rogue One and Rebels are converging, despite Filoni’s claim that they will not be recreating any of the scenes from the 2016 film, which covered the stealing of the Death Star plans and features the Ghost and Chopper in mutiple scenes.

Next: Star Wars Rebels: Bo-Katan is Mandalore’s Rightful Leader

Star Wars Rebels continues Monday with ‘In the Name of the Rebellion’ on Disney XD.

Source: Daily News